Sunday, 15 October 2017

Learn to Create Volkswagen Logo In Adobe Photoshop

 Simple yet elegant Volkswagen logo, learn to make it in easy steps.

Today we are going to create a sleek Volkswagen logo design using simple steps and some blending options effects. so lets get started.
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Step 1.

Open a new document of your desired resolution, i am using 1280 x 1024 px resolution, then create a new layer and fill it with gray gradient as shown or you can use your own background colors. volkswagen-logo_1 volkswagen-logo_2

Step 2.

Now Create a new layer and select Elliptical Marquee Tool and draw a big round selection as shown, then right click on it and select Stroke volkswagen-logo_3

Step 3.

Now apply 20 px Outside stroke with white color as shown volkswagen-logo_4 volkswagen-logo_5

Step 4.

Now Open Blending option of that layer and apply bevel and emboss volkswagen-logo_6 that's what you have now, our border of the logo volkswagen-logo_7

Step 5.

Create a new layer and again grab Elliptical Marquee Tool and draw a circle under your 1st layer and fill it with any color as shown volkswagen-logo_8

Step 6.

Open Blending options and apply Gradient to that layer volkswagen-logo_9 volkswagen-logo_10

Step 7.

Now again select Elliptical Marquee Tool create a new layer and draw another circle in the center of your previous one as shown and fill it with any color volkswagen-logo_11

Step 8.

Open Blending options and apply Gradient to that layer too volkswagen-logo_12 volkswagen-logo_13

Step 9.

Now again select Elliptical Marquee Tool create a new layer and draw another circle in the center but bigger than your previous one as shown and fill it with white volkswagen-logo_14

Step 10.

Now make selection in the center of that white circle and hit delete key to remove that area volkswagen-logo_15

Step 11.

Now create a new layer and select Polygonal Lasso Tool and draw V shape selection as shown, you can also use Pen Tool for that selection and fill it with white volkswagen-logo_16 volkswagen-logo_17

Step 12.

Similarly Draw W Shape using same Tool and fill it with white

Step 13.

Now Select and Merge your all three layers V,W and white Circle as shown volkswagen-logo_19

Step 14.

Now they all are in a single layer, open blending options of that layer and apply the given effects volkswagen-logo_20 volkswagen-logo_21 volkswagen-logo_22 Now that's looking pretty much cool

Step 15.

Now create a new layer and again select Elliptical Marquee Tool, i hope for the last time :P and draw another circle inside the edges of your previous circle as shown, then right click on it and select Stroke and apply 5 px white outside Stroke. volkswagen-logo_24

Step 16.

Simply move down this layer under your merged layer as shown volkswagen-logo_25 Here is our Final image after applying shadow under it, i hope you can at least apply that shadow by yourself :)
volkswagen-logo View in full size I hope you liked learning this Simple yet elegant logo. Stay tuned for more awesome tutorials.

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